Dan Kocer
Board Member
Dan Kocer is a Board Member of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound (CAMPS).
Dan is also the President of Kocer Consulting & Engineering.
Dan's story, in his own words:
"I started my company right after the 9/11 disaster and the economy was frozen, and I was hungry for work with a family of six. I created ways to meet with general managers and VP of operations. My pitch? Let me briefly meet with you and review your operations and I will provide ideas for significant improvements, and you don’t need to pay me unless you like the results. Most paid me but not all. I learned how to be efficient and I learned how to listen to what was valuable to my customer, and I did whatever it took to provide that value and make a living from these no-obligation agreements. Many of these clients learned to like me and trust me and provided references, which made it easier to land more work. They told their CPA firms about me and CPA firms hired me to work for their clients. I provided over a hundred of these quick consulting stints for one CPA firm, and the client expectations were high and unforgiving. This taught me the value of first impression, and to quickly see the big issues and focus on high-impact solutions to provide value for my short time in their plant. I was transformed by these earlier experiences to really understand our value proposition in every engagement, and how critical it is to provide excellent results and service.
I am thankful for these tough experiences and lessons and I try to instill these into the culture of Kocer Consulting and Engineering. There is nothing better than a happy customer and a great reference after a challenging project, knowing that we leave their company in a better state than it was when we started."
Phone: 206-528-0111