CAMPS Manufacturing Accelerator
Unleashing Manufacturing Potential
Inspiring Innovation in the Manufacturing Community
See dates, times, and partners in a location near you.
What is the CAMPS Manufacturing Accelerator?
The CAMPS Manufacturing Accelerator is a peer-to-peer network that is exclusive to manufacturing owners and executives in Washington State no matter the size or stage of business.
The Accelerator includes in-person meetings and online resources. Our purpose is to grow the success of manufacturing in Washington State.
Members of the Accelerator meet three times a year in person and have access to online resources that support the growth of manufacturing in Washington State.
There is no cost or obligation to be a member or partner of the Accelerator.
"CAMPS helps manufacturers in many ways. It evolves, you can belong to CAMPS for many years and continue to benefit."
“I like the fact that they are very relevant. They are looking out for the community.”
"CAMPS is the most diverse manufacturing ecosystem in the region. This diversity enables the best ideas to bubble up and to be shared with the entire community."
The Purpose of the Accelerator
The CAMPS Manufacturing Accelerator Process
Connect. Collaborate. Conquer.

Three local annual in-person meetings.

Connect with manufacturing leaders.

Access online resources for growth and funding.

Collaborate with government and resource partners.

Conquer the challenges of growth and success.
The Accelerator Benefits Your Community
Job creation
Economic prosperity
Collaboration with educational institutions
Research & Development
Workforce development
Owners and Executives
Manufacturing owners and executives no matter the size or stage of business:
You will receive an email confirming your registration and access to the in-person event information and online resources.
If you are a community partner.
You will receive an email confirming your registration and access to the in-person event information along with the opportunity to be listed on the appropriate community page as a partner and resource for members of the accelerator.